Evaluate the situation.
This page is to give you some tips on how to know if an animal is in need of rescue
and to explain a couple of old wives tales.
Our facilities are not open to the public. We have a secluded location to ensure the safety of our animals. Many of these animals are being rehabilitated and will be released back into their natural habitat, therefore, the fewer human interactions they experience, the better it will be for their successful reintegration.
Many times, well meaning humans actually do more harm than good by trying to "save" wildlife that they think are in danger. Rehabbers end up taking in so many babies who really didn't need to be "rescued", but were going through the natural process of growing up.
Interfering with this baby's immature metabolism could further compromise its condition.
Place it in a safe, warm, dry place, away from pets and children, and find a local rehabilitator to properly care for it.
In most cases, the best help you can give to a baby is to put it back where its mother can find it.
OLD WIVES' TALE: "If you touch a baby the mother will smell the human scent on them and will reject or kill it." This is one of the most common myths we hear and it is absolutely untrue. Just like any mother among us, if the baby smells "funny", she is going to take it home and clean it.
Birds go through three phases to grow up: