Every animal you may find and think is in distress needs careful observation before interpreting its behavior as a problem.
Different animals need different responses. Please follow the guidelines below to determine the next step based on their specific needs and conditions. Your primary responsibility is to avoid danger or trauma to both yourself and the animal. NEVER use force or place yourself in a compromising situation for any reason. Approach the situation calmly and with caution.
To determine whether an animal is truly in need, please refer to our CARE FLYERS Page for detailed guidelines and identification tips.
Special Consideration for BABY Animals:
Mother Nature has designed some species to leave their babies alone in a safe place while the parents are out foraging for food. If you encounter such a situation,
it's best to observe from a distance and not disturb the young ones. By interfering, you may do more harm than good.
Please refer to our BABIES IN NEED Page.
You'll find additional guidance and resources to handle the situation appropriately.
There are TWO RULES to follow in EVERY SITUATION:
Please refer to the wildlife species information below.
NOTE: If you found a domestic animal, by state law, you must call your local animal control, not us.
*** Raptors are birds of prey and include owls, hawks, eagles, and falcons. They are hunters and therefore their talons and beaks are very dangerous.
*** Great Blue Herons are VERY POWERFUL and therefore very dangerous - do NOT attempt to handle a Great Blue Heron.
If you were not able to pick the animal up, please check on it in the morning to be sure it is still there and give us a call.
DO NOT give it any food or water. It is important to remember, songbirds do not eat after dark, they shut down making eating or drinking unnecessary.
It is important to remember, hummingbirds do not eat after dark, they shut down making eating or drinking unnecessary.
If it is still light out when you find the bird and the bird is alert and aware, mix 4 parts water to 1 part sugar, offer this to the bird on a teaspoon every 5 minutes. If the bird is simply exhausted, it should be flying within 45 minutes. If the bird is injured, please follow the same instructions as for songbirds. Remember, the dark is the most important part of this.